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Everybody Wins with Simplicity Health Plans®

All parties to a health care transaction win with Simplicity Health Plans' QuickPayNet® point of service adjudicated health plans.

Remarkable Changes to Spending Behavior....

Consumer-driven health plan consumers are more value conscious and attentive to wellness
and prevention:

  • 50% more likely to ask about costs
  • 3 times more likely to choose less expensive options
  • 25% more likely to engage in healthy behaviors
  • 30% more likely to get an annual exam
  • 20% more likely to comply with treatment regimens
(Research results from McKinsey & Co.)

Benefits of Simplicity Health Plans Point of Service Health Plan

To the Employer:

  1. The most Simple HSA system…eliminates waste, fraud and member frustration resulting in fewer Human Resources interactions with Members
  2. Lower claims costs in the self-insured retention
    • Real-time claims data (medical procedure codes & pharmacy data) allow for immediate intervention and Case Management supervision of emerging chronic & catastrophic claims
  3. Lower reinsurance costs
  4. Flattened annual cost increases due to utilization control
  5. A healthier and wealthier workforce
  6. Avoid the Disaster of a Debit Card
  7. Built in anti-fraud devices…you pay for only your employees and their dependants…not others, also PIN codes eliminate fraudulent doctor bills. (these two types of fraud are now estimated to be 150 billion dollars per year and are especially prevalent in the self-insured sector)

To the Member:

  1. Integrated medical and financial HSA accounting system on a single screen
    •   Allows on-line audit prior to claim being paid, , direction communication with servicing provider, evaluation of provider and services rendered, allows for member to “ask” for additional discounts from Provider. Provider evaluations and discount data are tracked for other members.
  2. Comparison Shopper helps find best deals with the best providers
  3. Go to any provider that will accept hassle free rapid payment at the Simplicity Health Plans price.
  4. Eliminates need to follow up by writing checks or using debit card to pay claims
  5. Eliminates HSA account fees required to for debit cards & checking accounts
  6. Integrated line of credit to cover claims, if required
    •   Paid back in pre-tax installments as part of the payroll deduction
  7. “High Touch” consumerism tools to manage health care expenses
  8. Access to StayFit Plan, Biometric Screening and Telephonic Physician Consults
  9. Accumulation of equity in HSA accounts

To the Provider:

  1. Lowers cost of doing business
    •   Virtually no collection costs due to immediate & paperless claims submission
    •   No transactions costs deducted for use of a debit card
  2. Faster collection cycle
    •   Payment usually within 5-7 days
  3. Eliminates credit risk
    •   100% of plan allowed amount guaranteed
  4. Easy to use, integrated accounting system to track all claims
  5. Better service, better pricing for Simplicity Health Plans members.

Simplicity Health Plans QuickPayNet® point of service claims payment & communication technology is the “magic” that makes savings possible.